About us!

Șantierul Naval Mangalia
ship bulding, ship repairs

Reablility, professionalism, technology and tradition in the service of beneficiaries

Company   presentation (Brief History)

In   1956 was   founded   a   budget   unit   subordinated to the   Navy   Command   Directorate   of Industrial  based on the northern shore   of   Lake   Mangalia. In   1963  under  HCM   767/27.09.1963   this   unit   changed it’s   name in Mangalia   Shipyard , a unit  with   it’s own   economic   management   subordinated to   the Department   of Industrial of the Armed   Forces Ministry.
By   2001,   Mangalia   Shipyard   subsidiary   was   a   subsidiary   of   SC   ” Arsenal” S.A., an  National Company of ” Romarm  SA ,  without   juridical   personality ,  but   with   limited   financial   and economic   autonomy , established by the Governmental  decision  nr. 979/2000.
Based on H.G. 952/27.10.2001 be established S.C. Mangalia Shipyard SA, based in Port Entry Street No. 1, Romanian juridical person, under the  authority of  Ministry of Industry and Resources.At the end of 2002 Mangalia Shipyard gave 130000 sqm of land and asssets to the city hall of Mangalia to construct an industrial park.Mangalia Shipyard has not subsidiaries, agents, branches and outlets with or without legal representation.
Between 04.08.2008 and 30.04.2013 Mangalia Shipyard was in joint venture without legal personality with Sisteme Navale Mangalia S.R.L., whose shareholding in the first two years was controlled by Lurssen LAR Invest GmbH Bremen, Germany.


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